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Why robotics from Codtics ?

Codtics incorporates challenges, robots, coding, and programming. The actuators (motors) and various sensors, including sound, ultrasonic, touch, and others, will be introduced to kids. Kids will then learn how to code their robots visual programming environment and the information gathered from the sensors. Children will begin by creating and customising their robots before learning to programme ever-more complicated activities like Zero Collision, Patrol Bot and countless others. Kids will need to coordinate his or her speed, agility, and intelligence in order to complete every job.


Are you prepared to pursue a new interest that might lead to a global platform and help improve the world?

Every year, there is a brand-new game field and educational challenge bringing people together through technology to improve the planet. Students are all engineers and natural scientists. They enjoy speculating, experimenting, and playing. In order to help all students, develop an identity of these abilities and take advantage of the motivational effects of competitions and robots. A fun and authentic method to introduce kids to important skills like communication, collaboration, and real-world problem solving through championships. With 95% of participants claiming a greater interest in Robotics, competition helps children become the innovators of the future. Year-round competitions are organised at the local, state, and national levels, while Robotics World Championship takes place once in a year.

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